Comparison Between FRANCE and INDIA in Sustainable Development

Tourism is an activity that cannot be released by the population anywhere in the world. Not infrequently a source of tourism income countries, and also a source of employment for developing countries. Along with the development of global tourism's activities to bring the longer impact of the natural environment, socio-cultural and also economic. In response to this, the existence of the Sustainable Tourism Development (STD) is one of the important factors in the world of tourism.

Sustainable Tourism Development (STD) is an effort elaborative that applied to the object of a tourism management to use that is sustainable to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations. With STD expected later this tourism can develop rapidly and the economy can still take place without damage to natural resources which the future of tourism itself. Especially the physical environment (both natural and cultural, not a consumer and can also updated) and economic structure of the local community (because of tourism is to empower the local community, created employment and the unemployment). Sustainability of the STD itself consists of 4 principles, viewed in terms of the economy (in the short and long term), ecology (tolerant to the environment), cultural (cultural diversity to empower local) and local (to empower the local community).

According to the WTO (World Tourism Organization), the indicator that can be used to measure the level of sustainability of a tourism destination is the welfare (well being) the host community, protect the cultural assets, community participation, tourist satisfaction, health insurance and safety, economic benefit, protection of natural assets, natural resource management is scarce, limiting the impact, and planning and development control.
Development of sustainable tourism emphasizes the four important aspects that include economic, environmental, cultural and social. Sustainable tourism should be based on criteria of sustainability, meaning that the development of tourism must be economically feasible, ecologically can be supported, just a matter of ethics and society. This means that sustainable development is integrated and organized efforts to develop the quality of life with how to set up the provision, development, utilization, and maintenance resources sustainable.

Through this blog I will try to be able to compare the implementation of the sustainable development of India and France. Because the two countries is a country that has tourism’s income is very high. In addition, both countries also have a distinctive crest that culture of each of-thought-of position. But, behind all of this that both countries have, of course have differences in the governance of STD are due to ideology, geographical, demographic, and cultural, quality people, and more. Is the strategy we will discuss what is done by the French and India in order to promote their tourisms?

France is a country that ranks first tourism destination with most visitors in the world, because it has a charm in the field of culture and the environment. Given the large number of visitors who come to France, the impact of that, arise from tourism activities to this natural environments, socio-cultural and economic course is also very large. From there then France will need to apply sustainable tourism in the country to overcome the impacts arising from tourism activities in order to tour the country can still take place without damage to natural resources which is the future of tourism itself both in terms of economic, ecological, cultural and local.

See the situation, France was selected to be one of the initiator from 7 countries in the field The Marrakech Process on Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and the UN Department for Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) in the year 2002. Where members had the task of encouraging the implementation of SCP action that promote sustainable tourism through the development tools support, pilot projects and practices in other countries. Where is the focus of SCP is the problem of climate change, biodiversity, cultural and natural heritage, and regional development.

In general, France is committed to the start of sustainable development (sustainable development) that since 2000, when countries agree to this principle of the Millennium Development Goals (MDG's) which is the result of the United Nations' General Assembly in September year. In the framework set things in Objective 7 be the one to emphasize the importance of environmental sustainability, with a target to integrate the principles of sustainable development in policies and programs developing countries, and to restore the environmental resources that have been damaged previously. Which is the main goal is to make all activities of production and consumption in the service of tourists become more sustainable. Thorough, French Ministry of Ecology and recruit Sustainable Development, the Ministry of Tourism, and Ministry of Foreign Affairs to take care of this problem. In the implementation, development programs focus on four main areas, namely in the fields of ecology, culture, economy and empowerment of local communities.

In the field of ecology, the government is working to create a French trend of environment-friendly transportation and non-exploitation to resources that cannot be renewed. France want to ensure that planning, development and operation of the facility in accordance with the principles of sustainable development. France calls for the development of new Mobility and Ecological walks. France is also maintaining natural tourism, such as beaches, the mountains (normally used for skiing in winter), rural tourism (rural tourism), and its natural attractions. Beaches in France is unique, unique and always awake its cleanness. In the field of culture, France is renowned as the country that loves very own cultural. This is one of them reflected from the use of language in there. For that, France has bureaus that are willing to teach french language materials for the tourists. In the course, foreign tourists will be joined in a small group and will get the material on french language, culture and diversity of communities. France also always maintained the sustainability of its cultures, such as the use of words on each festival fetes the implementation, and maintenance of buildings of which the museum is the cultural heritage of the country.

Then, in Economics, in a micro perspective, rural tourism involving farmers or rural communities to maximize the assets and make additional income. Thus, the concept is not working to change the field of tourism, but to get additional income from activities that are done daily. The addition of this income derived from the sale of agricultural products to tourists, providing food and drink, lodging, and other attractions that can be developed, such as, horseback riding, souvenir, to hunt with the traditional rural sport. And the last is in the field of empowerment of local communities. In developing and supporting the sector of tourism, France continues to empower the local community. Centers in the sale of souvenirs there, the local people become a seller of gift-souvenir, or become workers in the sector.

Diversity of culture and tradition in India attracts many tourists from all over the world to come to it. India is divided into some parts of the region, namely North India, South India, East India, and West India. Cultural diversity, community, language, tradition were a distinctive charm of India. In this case the potentially large and prominent in India’s tourisms are the North and South India.
Tourism is a sector that consistently showed growth at the global level from time to time. India is one of the countries that achieved success in the efforts to increase tourism to the increasing number of tourists coming to India since 2002. Make a reality for tourism strategies in India has developed the facilities that support increased foreign and domestic tourists. India combined Sustainable Development concept with the concept of MICE (Meeting, Incentive, Collaboration, Exhibition). With focus development in the three sectors, the medical field, cultural, and spiritual.
In the medical field, were developed in the field of view because India is a potential can be developed in countries with their low cost and high quality medical facilities can be interesting destination for health tourists. This can combine with a holiday with health care. Patients from abroad can get medical treatment with the cheaper cost of their treatment when they get in their own country. India offers a number of hospitals in accordance with international standards and a number of fitness center, and spa that offers new experiences to the foreign tourists who seek healing. In the field of culture, many people still hold the tradition. Women are still many who use the essence as their clothes. Custom-thought so very high there. Then in the film that produced films such as Bollywood the artists also show that many aspects of culture such as the use of extract, dance-dance spectacular that India is often done in a colossal. Associated with the Indian culture, spiritual aspects of cultural tourism also decorate. This is because all tourist destination culture is very closely related to religion in India. For example, a tourist destination to Gangga River that habit and tradition is the Indian rivers are sacred. With the Gangga River, tourists can see the beauty in addition can also learn and trust with the local people who are a ritual in the river is.

Of the two variables above we can see that France is developing and promoting their rural tourism exist as sustainable development. While India, further maximizing the potential of natural and cultural diversity. STD in the realizing of course does not escape from the obstacles that hamper. For example, in France, awareness of rural communities will be less potential for village and they still need assistance and supervision from the government in maximizing the potential that exists. While in India, the obstacles faced by business is not a local maximum of the Government to remove poverty in the vicinity of tourist destinations and between Government, private sector and communities, not together to realize the ideal tourism. Expected in the way each country in the world to develop sustainable tourism in order to remain sustainable and long endure.

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